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About Me

As an aspiring Art Therapist, I believe that all works of art are a representation and expression of an individual's’ psyche. Depending on the way in which it is created and it’s final product, one is able to better understand an individual and deeper parts of themselves that they never contretized through their work. I believe in that power that art has. I have used my work as a form of healing throughout my entire life as I struggle with many hardships and emotions and thoughts in response to them. Putting pieces together and creating something into existence through my own body creates a feeling of euphoria I often need and I let out my inner feelings and thoughts and in some ways release them into the world. I work with a range of materials from 2D work to 3D installation, using graphite, charcoal, oil paint on canvas, to structures made of found materials or particular objects. The work process in itself is part of the final product because every part is made with care and thought. My final product needs to mean something to me and have a part of myself left in it for the world to see and relate to. My goal in my work is to allow those who experience it to self-reflect and think about if and how they can relate to my work. I want to create a feeling of empathy but also inspiration, where they will go home and create something and think, “what do I want to create?” And “why do I want to create that?” My ultimate goal is to help people help themselves as I do the same for myself, all while emphasizing the true impact that art has and always had on humanity.

Contact Me

Tel: 631-786-9812

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